Projects in Process

Right now our translators at CBTC are working on translating several books into the Choctaw language. Ecclesiastes was just completed and is on its way to becoming published–praise the Lord for all the hard work that has gone into this project!

Romans, Matthew, and Acts are the books currently being translated. Our interns from Moody Bible Institute are also converting the Choctaw children’s Bible stories into DVDs with audio recording. Thank you to all who have supported or are currently supporting CBTC. This would not be possible without you!


Choctaw Fair Highlights

Choctaw fair was from July 11-14 this year and it was great! Deidre Tubby and Pam Smith were there along with others helping to watch the booth and answer questions. Many people stopped by and the children’s Bible stories (which are both in Choctaw and English) were popular along with the Choctaw music CDs we offer. It rained a lot during the week but overall went very well. Thank you to everyone who came to help with the booth!

This entry was posted on July 24, 2012. 1 Comment